
Electronic noise and communication channel noise

Electronic noise exists in all circuits and devices as a result of thermal noise, also referred to as Johnson Noise. It is caused by random variations in current or voltage caused by the random movement of charge carriers (usually electrons) carrying the current as they are jolted around by thermal energy. Thermal noise can be reduced by reducing the temperature of the circuit. This phenomenon limits the minimum signal level that any radio receiver can usefully respond to, because there will always be a small but significant amount of thermal noise arising in its input circuits. This is why radio telescopes, which search for very low levels of signal from space, use front-end low-noise amplifier circuits cooled with liquid nitrogen.

There are several other sources of noise in electronic circuits such as shot noise, seen in very low-level signals where the finite number of energy-carrying particles becomes significant, or flicker noise (1/f noise) in semiconductor devices. A digitized and reconstructed analog signal is exposed to additive quantization noise.

In a communication channel, noise is an undesired random signal, often modelled as additive white gaussian noise (AWGN), that may be caused by thermal noise or electromagnetic interference(EMI) from unknown sources. Noise should not be confused with crosstalk and other interference from other communication system transmitters. Phase or frequency modulated communication systems may suffer from phase noise due to synchronization problems and time-invariant channel conditions, caused by mobilityfading and doppler shift. Deliberate generation of communication system noise and interference is called jamming.


click below link for tutorial on thermal noise


Random Processes

           In practical problems, we deal with time varying waveforms whose value at a time is random in nature. For example, the speech waveform recorded by a microphone, the signal received by communication receiver or the daily record of stock-market data represents random variables that change with time. How do we characterize such data? Such data are characterized as random or stochastic processesThis lecture covers the fundamentals of random processes.

Random processes

           Recall that a random variable maps each sample point in the sample space to a point in the real line. A random process maps each sample point to a waveform.

           Consider a probability space . A random process can be defined on  as an indexed family of random variables  where  is an index set, which may be discrete or continuous, usually denoting time. Thus a random process is a function of the sample point  and index variable  and may be written as .


  • For a fixed      is a random variable
  •    For a fixed  is a single realization of the random process and is a deterministic function.
              For a fixed  and a fixed  is a single number. 
              When both   and  are varying we have the random process .

    The random process  is normally denoted by  Figure1 illustrates a random process.

    Example 1 Consider a sinusoidal signal  where is a binary random variable with probability mass functions and 

    Clearly,  is a random process with two possible realizations and  At a particular time  is a random variable with two values  and .


    Continuous-time vs. Discrete-time process

              If the index set  is continuous,  is called a continuous-time process.

    Example 2 Suppose, where and are constants and  is uniformly distributed between0 and  is an example of a continuous-time process.

  •   If the index set  is a countable set,  is called a discrete-time process. Such a random process can be represented as  and called a random sequence. Sometimes the notation is used to describe a random sequence indexed by the set of positive integers.

                We can define a discrete-time random process on discrete points of time. Particularly, we can get a discrete-time random process  by sampling a continuous-time process \ at a uniform interval such that  

                The discrete-time random process is more important in practical implementations. Advanced statistical signal processing techniques have been developed to process this type of signals.


    Example 3 Suppose  where  is a constant and is a random variable uniformly distributed between and .Continuous-state vs. Discrete-state process

              The value of a random process  is at any time  can be described from its probabilistic model.

              The state is the value taken by at a time , and the set of all such states is called the state space. A random process is discrete-state if the state-space is finite or countable. It also means that the corresponding sample space is also finite or countable. Otherwise , the random process is called continuous state.

    Example 4 Consider the random sequence  generated by repeated tossing of a fair coin where we assign 1 to Head and 0 to Tail.

    Clearly,  can take only two values - 0 and 1. Hence  is a discrete-time two-state process.


    How to describe a random process?

               As we have observed above that  at a specific time  is a random variable and can be described by itsprobability distribution function  This distribution function is called the first-order probability distribution function. 
               We can similarly define the first-order probability density function    

    To describe ,  we have to use joint distribution function of the random variables at all possible values of .  For any positive integer  represents  jointly distributed random variables. Thus a random process can thus be described by specifying the  joint distribution function .

    or th the  joint probability density function

    If is a discrete-state random process, then it can be also specified by the collection of joint probability mass function


    We can also define higher-order moments like

    The above definitions are easily extended to a random sequence  .


    Examples of Random Processes


    (a) Gaussian Random Process

    For any positive integer ,represent  jointly random variables. These  random variables define a random vector .The process  is called Gaussian if the random vector is jointly Gaussian with the joint density function given by

